Multi- Select and Bulk Actions

How To Bulk Edit Items

Did you know you can change the status, delete, or share multiple items at once from the thumbnail screens inside Stylebook? This can help you simultaneously label several tops as unavailable, transfer 10 vacation outfits to your iPad, or clean out your virtual closet quickly. The bulk select feature is available in the Closet, Looks, and Inspiration features of Stylebook.

How To Select Multiple Items In A Category

  1. Tap a category name inside the Closet, Looks or Inspiration features and it will open to a grid of thumbnails that shows everything inside that category
  2. Tap “Edit” on the lower right of the thumbnail screen
  3. Tap the thumbnails you want to select or tap “All” to select all of the thumbnails inside the category. The selected thumbnails will be highlighted with a grey box. To deselect a highlighted item, tap it again and the grey box will disappear
  4. After you select at least one item, the thumbnail management tools will become available at the bottom on the screen.

Below is a list of all the functions you can perform on items from the thumbnail page. Continue reading